ARVALIS Phenotyping Station
4 November 2016 - as part of the focus on the members, a visi
Visit of the PhénoField® platform, a high-speed experimental phenotyping platform and outdoor research tool whose high-tech equipment sheds light on how crop yields are generated in situations of water deficiency, with the goal of identifying the genes that contribute to resistance to this stress. On site, the expert technicians from Arvalis demonstrated the operation of the greenhouses, the phenotyping gantry and the phenotyping sensors (soil and environment).
Arvalis also presented several emblematic digital projects championed by the Institute such as:
- API-AGRO: "Open DATA and Open API / Open agricultural innovation vector"
- Presentation of the White Paper on data access for agricultural research and innovation
- Modelling at Arvalis - from data acquisition to help with tactical and strategic management for producers. Digital integration to improve our recommendation tools (data science, sensors, etc.)
- Digiferme® "digital farms": experimental farms dedicated to testing connected tools under real-life conditions. They serve as both a laboratory for the technical institutes and research centres, and a test bench for the prototypes and development tools proposed by established businesses and start-ups.