Award Ceremony 2023

Wednesday November 15 saw the presentation of the Grand Prix Xavier Beulin and the Prix AgreenTech Valley at LAB'O Village By CA Orléans!

Opening by Jean-Michel GALLIER & Taher MESTIRI



The evening began with a speech by our Chairman, Jean-Michel GALLIER, followed by a talk by our Vice-Chairman, Taher MESTIRI, on the convergence of science.


AgreenTech Valley news


A number of projects in which the cluster has been involved this year, including the Loire Valley Data HUB project, the H@rvest Alliance and an AgTech standardization initiative.





Success stories were presented by our members, providing an opportunity to highlight the type of support provided by AgreenTech Valley in the development of the project or initiative.



--> The D.A.R.T project, an autonomous multitasking robot created by Rémi GAGET - Manager of EARL du Pressoir.

AgreenTechValley's support enabled him to consult various suppliers of digital solutions (AI) as well as players in electronic support (FabLab) & intellectual property (INPI).


--> The SPEED project, which uses a new cold plasma-based seed treatment process, is led by François DUBOIS - SEMAE Regional Delegate for the Centre region.

AgreenTechValley's support enabled us to establish contacts and help set up the project.


--> VASTEM, a startup specialized in ecological transition, has developed a market place (digital application) for organic matter exchanges, a solution presented by Pierre-Yves ROBERT - CEO of VASTEM.

AgreenTechValley's support enabled the company to bring together players in the ecosystem, to receive assistance with the digital aspect and to become an influencer on the platform.


--> AG'EAU VITAL developed a project for a water treatment unit for crop protection products, presented by Alain AUREJAC - Manager of AG'EAU VITAL.

The support of AgreenTechValley enabled exchanges with network members and connections with the Chambers of Agriculture (PCAE referencing) and the JA (presentation of the solution).


--> SEABEX has developed a solution called Netirrig Par Seabex: a sensor-free decision-support tool for precision irrigation integrating over 40 species. This tool was presented by Taher MESTIRI - President of SEABEX.

The support of AgreenTechValley enabled Seabex and the Loiret Chamber of Agriculture to be brought together, with the support of the Eure-et-Loir Chamber of Agriculture and the regional Chamber of Agriculture.


--> INOSEARCH, an R&D-innovation expert firm referenced by the cluster, assists companies in applying for and securing their tax status (CIR, CII, CICo and JEI) & in applying for public funding.

AgreenTechValley's support has enabled INOSEARCH to bring in AgTech start-up customers and provide assistance with the TerraFarm consortium project.



Presentation of the Grand Prix Xavier Beulin 2023


The AgreenTech Valley Cluster, of which Xavier Beulin was the founding Chairman, has perpetuated the eponymous prize created in 2017, which rewards a farmer who uses or develops a digital solution on his or her farm. This year, the prize is sponsored by the Centre Val de Loire region, Orléans Métropole, Sofiprotéol, Crédit Agricole Centre Loire, the Centre Val de Loire Chamber of Agriculture, the Loiret Chamber of Agriculture and Crédit Mutuel du Centre.


Winner of the Grand Prix Xavier Beulin 2023



Thierry BAILLIET, farmer based in Loos-en-Gohelle (62), for his Dans Les BOTTES project.

The "Dans les BOTTES" solution offers the concept of "the Airbnb of the farm experience". An innovative platform that enables farmers to open up their farms and share their exciting profession through unique experiences.

Thanks to an interactive map, an online chat, booking and payment system, they can easily manage their offers, reaching a curious public in a fun and educational way.

By fostering human links, this solution also enables visitors to diversify with potential additional income. It reconnects those who produce with those who consume.



Presentation of the AgreenTech Valley 2023 Award

Every year, the AgreenTech Valley Cluster organizes the AgreenTech Valley Prize, which rewards a project leader, startup, VSE or SME offering an innovative digital solution for players in the plant industry. Orléans Métropole is the historical financial sponsor of the AgreenTech Valley Award, joined this year by Crédit Mutuel Centre.

This year, the members of the Jury chose one winning project and one "coup de coeur" project.



Winner of the AgreenTech Valley 2023 Award



Nadir GHROUS, CEO of Paris-based Alvie (75), for the HYGO project.

The HYGO application is the 1st automated agronomic spraying assistant for farmers in field crops, arboriculture, market gardening and, soon, viticulture. It can be used for all crop protection products and their adjuvants, as well as for certain biocontrol products, biostimulants and liquid fertilizers.

The HYGO solution meets the multiple needs of growers:
✓ Apply inputs correctly
✓ Navigate through agronomic complexity
✓ Optimize costs
✓ Ensure regulatory compliance
✓ Optimize time
✓ Follow agroecological practices
✓ Justify good practices


Jury's favorite for the AgreenTech Valley 2023 Award

Corentin Leroux, president of the startup Aspexit based in Montpellier (34) and leader of the Wiki Agri Tech - WAT project.

The aim of this project is to use a platform to reference AgriTech tools on the market as exhaustively as possible, in order to support all agricultural players: farmers, technicians and advisors in the knowledge and proper use of these tools.



Closing ceremony




The 2023 edition closed with a cocktail party to give the winners the opportunity to meet potential future partners.

Many thanks to all the sponsors and participants of this year's event, and congratulations once again to our winners!