Launch of the Loire Valley Data Hub
AgreenTech Valley, a partner in the Loire Valley Data Hub project, led by the Centre-Val de Loire Region with the support of DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire, took part on Thursday February 8, 2024 at the Palais des Congrès in Tours, in the launch of the Loire Valley Data Hub, a resource center that supports companies in their journey towards digital transformation and innovation!
Awarded the European Digital Innovation Hub label by the European Commission, the Loire Valley Data Hub provides particular support for companies in key regional sectors: cosmetics, the environment, agriculture and agri-food. Its main themes are cybersecurity and traceability.
This project is organized in consortium with :
DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire (lead partner)
Cosmetic Valley
Pole Dream Eau Et Milieux
Agreentech Valley
CEFIM (Centre Européen de Formation Informatique et Multimédia)
Orléans Technopole Développement
The consortium will also benefit from the expertise of associated partners: CRESITT Industrie, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées Centre-Val de Loire, Université de Tours, Université d'Orléans and Polymeris.
The program for the Loire Valley Data Hub launch day:
- Conference on "how to initiate a digital transformation" by Guillaume ETLIN, CEO of SMASH DIGITAL, with a presentation by Yves PAINDAVEINE, Project Officer France for the Digital Europe program, European Commission.
- Presentation of the Loire Valley Data Hub by Mélodie FOUREZ, Digital Transformation Advisor DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire
- Cocktail lunch with the Loire Valley Data Hub ecosystem
- Business Connect Day - Discover the stands of regional service providers and the various conferences.