Xavier Beulin Campus

The Campus
The objective of the Xavier Beulin Campus is to develop a centre of expertise in Orléans dedicated to e-plant.
On this Campus, located at the heart of the Orleans academic ecosystem, near the CNRS, the University of Orleans and the geosciences research players: BRGM, INRAE, etc. AGREEN LAB'O, a business centre and incubator for AgTech start-ups, opened its doors in November 2021.
AGREEN LAB'O, which has been awarded the Village by CA label, offers resident project leaders the same support and services as LAB'O, thanks to the expertise and activities of Orléans Val de Loire Technopole, Crédit Agricole Centre Loire and LAB'O partners.
The nerve centre of the Campus, this space brings together all the players in the ecosystem (agricultural partners, solution providers, academics, technical centres, training providers, etc.).

The Campus components
The Campus will receive :
The AGREEN LAB'O Innovation booster : Business hotel and start-up incubator of 1 500 m² offering services similar to the current LAB'O digital accelerator.
- 24 offices
- A coworking space and meeting rooms
- A showroom
- A workshop
The AGREEN LAB'O R&D : Applied R&D platform, cross-cutting all the vegetable sectors, which will be coumpounded of greenhouses, climatic chambers, ourdoor plots... In a demonstration logic, it will be equipped with high-tech digital tools (sensors, imaging, modeling, test bench ...).
The University Greenhouse : Greenhouse hosting the research and training activities of the University of Orleans. The greenhouse will host upstream research projects that can be linked to the AGREEN LAB'O R&D projects.

From today, it is possible to make contact for a request for positioning in the AGREEN LAB'O Innovation booster or for the study of an implementation project on the Campus Xavier Beulin.